Travel Stories

Thoughts from a window

The aisle seat has it’s mighty benefits but there is something that a window seat of an aircraft can offer that none other can; the top view of the clouds. After the rattling take off, the clouds are not around you, but below you. The soft bed of cotton, stretches far and wide. How is it’s character I often wonder. If I were to jump on it, will I softly land on it or will I fall right through into the ocean below or will it make me jump back up.

There are many textures to this cloudy cotton sheet , it can be scattered, it can seem super thick, it can be in different shapes which make no sense at all(I always see a combination of dragons and dinosaurs) and if you concentrate hard enough you can even see a path through the clouds leading up to the horizon , where the sun shines bright. A bright sun is directly shinning upon me as I look out the window. I feel it’s warmth on my hair and my cheek . As I stare at it directly with my eyes closed, the yellow in my eyes soon turns into an orange and then into a red. Unable to bear the intensity anymore I look in the other direction and I immediately see patterns of blue and green in front of my closed eyes. It’s almost magical. Then I open my eyes and see the sun shinning through the opening in the clouds onto the ocean below. The interactive map on Air France tells me that it is actually the English Channel which is glistening like a million diamonds.

Another little adventure that this tiny airplane window offered me today was a bucket list tick. Two weeks ago when I flew atop Paris , I thought of the Eiffel tower and realized that I have only seen two wonders of the world till now. I made a resolve to spot the Eiffel tower from the plane window(because actually going to Paris is beyond the dimensions of my purse right now) and efforts I did make. I scanned the entire expanse of Paris at night, like a hawk. I could spot water bodies and buildings and bridges but the Eiffel tower was not in sight. On another occasion, I umm fell asleep. But today in broad daylight as the plane took off, I was certain that the dark triangular structure I was seeing was the Eiffel tower. But as I saw the structure from a different angle it was probably a church or an old building for I could not spot the metal frame. But I did not give up, and kept looking. I saw a river and my hopes went up. I knew the Eiffel tower was besides a river, so I scanned along it’s banks. And lo, there it was, in broad daylight, by the river, standing tall in all it’s glory, one of the seven wonders of the world. I tell you, the top view of the Eiffel tower is it’s best view(Please ignore the fact that I have seen no other view).

Now I must sign off, for the sunrays are falling on the tray table onto a book, almost beckoning me to read it. And when the sunrays call, one must answer.

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