
Howdy, fellow explorer! Welcome to my blog.

I’m Karishma Mayur, a Mumbai girl,  currently residing in the United States.

I don’t know yet! , is my favorite phrase. Mountains, rolled down windows and the aroma of freshly baked bread make me happy. I write a little, paint some and know to spot a few constellations. Through my travels I hope to learn a little bit more about the blue dot that we call home or maybe unlearn everything I have gathered up till now. This is a humble attempt to document my  travels as I tread through the  oceans and cities of this planet.

I aim to bring to you detailed destination and food guides, sustainable travel tips and unfiltered travel stories which have touched my gypsy soul.

So come along! Let’s visit different places(planets if possible too), experience  different cultures, make new friends(both two legged and four legged) and eat our way through life!